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Changing PCSX2's "Suspend" key from ESC

Posted: Mon Sep 21, 2020 11:07 pm
by unnamedauthor
I've done it, you've done it, we've all done it. Pressed ESC, disconnected from online, and profusely apologized to whoever we were playing with.
But today is your lucky day, friend.
  1. Find your PCSX2 INI directory
    This is the same place your memory cards are by default, just up a folder. PCSX2 1.4.0 called it "inis_1.4.0" instead of "inis".
  2. Make the INI file
    Or you've made it before, have it already because of other reasons, blah blah blah. Skip this if you already see "PCSX2_keys.ini" in that folder.
    Right-click! Make a text file! Call it "PCSX2_keys.ini"! Ignore Windows telling you you're a bad person for renaming the file extension!
  3. Choose a new keybind
    Let's open that file up and add a new line, starting with "Sys_Suspend="
    (Linux users and people on newer versions of PCSX2 may want to try "Sys_SuspendResume" instead)
    Now, what key do you want to use?
    The PCSX2 wiki has a page on how some special keys are written(and other things you can change from their defaults), so check that just in case. :)
  4. Open PCSX2 and bask in your glory
Ta-da! ESC is now not a problem.