Mildly Interesting Area Server Saves [IMAGE HEAVY 56k warning!!!]

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Hello, Bison here.
If you're wanting to follow along you should get this
I have spent a little bit of time messing around with the area server trying to understand what's what and how it works.

Now...I'm being upfront in saying that that's something that absolutely hasn't happened; I still don't know how things work at all! :lol:
Nevertheless, there have been some cool little results that I'm going to share with you here in the hopes that it'll pique the interest of someone smarter enough to make them take a look.

Fig. 1: Just two of the many exciting possibilities opened up to us through being horrible cheaters

Save File One
There are apparently 31 boxes in this room. I thought I had more to say about this but I have nothing else to say. There are apparently 31 boxes in the room, that's all.
Fig. 2: Just thirty one of the many exciting possibilities opened up to us through being horrible cheaters
Save file here:
(84.56 KiB) Downloaded 663 times
Save File Two
Placing the dungeon entrance somewhere it shouldn't be (on a hill) works and just makes the edges it cuts out completely straight. That's a bit of fun isn't it?
Onto the dungeon.
That's quite a boast ladies and gentlemen, quite a boast.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, it's only one room big! Blinkerdy blimey we've been had.
We can see the gott statue on the map, so at least there'll be treasure though right?
Ahhh, we've been had again
Fig. 3: Just four of the many exciting possibilities opened up to us through being horrible cheaters

You can probably tell from the picture above but there are more enemies here than there are supposed to be:
Adding too many does this:
I don't recommend it.
Save file here:
(4.31 KiB) Downloaded 631 times
I'll add more as they come.
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I'm actually tremendously sorry for how rubbish this thread is, I did intend on explaining things when I started writing but I quickly realised that was difficult so it's just this horrible assortment of images and save files.

So sorry, so very sorry. Hope they're of some interest to somebody anyway.
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I was watching the video, good god the slide show. Still weird that your character is forever invisible.
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1UP wrote: Thu Sep 12, 2019 2:48 pm I was watching the video, good god the slide show.
Yeah, that was really disappointing.
There's some leeway with smaller monsters [url=](here's double the amount of mad grass working fine)[/url] but trying to add more big/medium monsters seems to make things unplayable. A real shame! I was hoping to put up some really brutal dungeons for people to try.
A dungeon full of low level mad grasses just doesn't have the same appeal.
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Bison wrote: Fri Sep 13, 2019 11:06 am
1UP wrote: Thu Sep 12, 2019 2:48 pm I was watching the video, good god the slide show.
Yeah, that was really disappointing.
There's some leeway with smaller monsters [url=](here's double the amount of mad grass working fine)[/url] but trying to add more big/medium monsters seems to make things unplayable. A real shame! I was hoping to put up some really brutal dungeons for people to try.
A dungeon full of low level mad grasses just doesn't have the same appeal.
I haven't messed with an area save file much. I am assuming you have some of it at least mapped out. Could you post that?
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1UP wrote: Fri Sep 13, 2019 11:25 am I haven't messed with an area save file much. I am assuming you have some of it at least mapped out. Could you post that?
I can show you what I have written down but all my notes are pretty empty and scattershot. I cut all these saves down to one room just so it's easier to see what's going on because the saves seem to get really messy with too much going on. I did find the amount of floors at one point but I forgot to make a note of it.
It's probably not going to be much help because I'm fairly clueless.

Code: Select all

C8 C6 69 04 00 this bit shows up somewhere and changing those zeroes after the 04 makes it a protected area.
apparently the c8 c6 69 bit is not always the same? who knows. changing it doesnt seem to have done anything...
00 00 00 00 virus core 1 virus core 1 amount
there are a few of these what is the max amount per area? remember to find out

Chicken Room:
01 06 3D 08 Room co ords/rotation(?)
01 0E 04 00 room type 
00 02 02 01 (something...then number of 'gimmicks') 
00 0F 00 00 'gimmick' type (0F here for enemy)
00 00 00 00 
00 00 E8 E2  'gimmick' co-ordinates
10 44 8B AE 'gimmick' co-ordinates
FF C3 00 00 'gimmick' co-ordinates
16 44 00 00 
80 3F 00 00 
00 00 00 00 
00 00 03 00 Enemy type ( off the top of my head i think this is 1-3 for small, medium, big)
04 00 00 00 Enemy amount
00 00 00 00 
00 00 00 00 
00 00 00 00 
00 00 00

Normal Gott room:
01 06 3D 08 
01 0E 04 00 
00 02 02 01 
00 29 00 00 'gimmick' type gott statue
00 00 03 00 gott statue treasureeo type (there are 5 of these)
00 00 00 00 
00 00 00 00 
48 44 00 00 
FA 43 00 00 
00 00 00 00 
00 00 00 00 
80 3F 00 01 
00 00

Evil blue chests

03 00 00 00 room coords?
01 01 02 00 room type
0E 3F 01 00 who knows/ number of 'gimmicks'
00 00 01 00 'gimmick' type 0 is normal chest, 1 is evil chest
01 02 01 00  ?
01 00 00 00 
00 88 02 00 what's in the box? 00 00 is the lowest and 88 02 is the highest this will go in the AS. remember to check if this will go higher at some point
00 41 B8 39  'gimmick' co ords
38 20 3F 7D 
C3 00 00 87 
43 00 00 00 
00 00 00 00 
00 00 00 80 'gimmick' rotation
BF 07 00 00 

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Hi all! Back again.
Here's some more information about GOTT STATUES

Code: Select all

01 				room number: [1]
06 3D			 room  coords 
08 01			 room  coords 
0E 	 			Room Type (the highest I have seen is 0F in a forest field area)
04 	  			Room Rotation
00 00 			???
02 02 			number of possible portals/gimmicks. [2]
01			 	number of 'gimmicks'
00 0F 00 00 		'gimmick' type (0F here for enemy)
00 00 00 00 
00 00 E8 E2 		 'gimmick' co-ordinates
10 44 8B AE		 'gimmick' co-ordinates
FF C3 00 00		 'gimmick' co-ordinates
16 44 00 00 
80 3F 00 00  	some sort of attribute? [3]
00 00 00 00 
00 00 03 00 		Enemy type 
04 00 00 00 		Enemy amount
00 00 00 00 
00 00 00 00 
00 00 00 00 
00 00 00

[1] this is the order they're placed in the area server. the first room could have the highest number and the last room could have the lowest. this can be annoying and confusing!
[2] this can go up very high but the editor itself will still not let you place more than 5 portals in a room. you can place more by manually copying and pasting portals into the save but it comes with a risk of crashing and freezing.
[3] i'll admit i don't know what this is. adding numbers after these 80 3F sections seems to determine attributes within the editor. for example, adding 04 afterwards prevents it from being moved. adding 03 (i think) disables the object in the same way that right clicking a chest and pressing disable does. you seem to get one of these per gimmick.

This seems to contain area data!
But wait, there's a catch:
Transplanting rooms from these into a normal save file behaves very strangely...Sometimes.
The first attempt at putting in a room resulted in this:
This isn't a helpful image because I'm invisible...But if you could see me you would see that I spawned where the chest should be.

The second attempt resulted in a normal gott statue. The extra (event only?) gimmicks did not spawn at all. The chest did not spawn event items.

Similarly, placing one of these 'event' gimmicks in a room behaved strangely:
Visible and editable in the area server...Very nice!
And yet in game:
wot, no cheasts??!

In short, I don't know what's going on, I don't know what I'm doing and I don't think that's likely to change any time soon.

Finally, one last thing. You may have noticed the 'Poached Egg' in the area server list.
This is a 24/7 server graciously provided by Alkalime to host strange maps that we've created that would not be possible under normal conditions. Currently it's hosting a forest map with 43 maps on a floor. Some of the doors are tricks so it's possible to become stuck in the maze! But don't worry, you can gate out: :lol: There may be other surprises in store for you there.
It's currently recommended for HIGH LEVEL PLAYERS ONLY.

Bye troops!
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Another update today!
I have confirmed my hunch that the OnlineEvent.dat contains plain area data. It certainly does! These areas don't have keywords I guess? So we need to create our own custom area and paste them in after the keywords.

Here's where we started copying in OnlineEvent.dat:
From here to the end of the file is one area

And here's where it got pasted into the Area Server save:
It should be easy to find where to put this: you can set the keyword of the custom area and search for the IDs

Here is the result:

and for comparison here is an original screenshot of the new years event:
cool, it's the same! (image source

Event items do not spawn from the gott! It behaves exactly like a normal area, which is disappointing. But still, now we know what this strange dat file contains.
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of course, i spot my mistake immediately after posting. :roll:
this part i had labelled ? are the area attributes:
these from the OnlineEvent belonged there! now it is the correct level.

have now tested 2 of these (christmas event DC2C-F2BF) no special treasure no NPCs. lame.
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